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2021 Trends - Agri-food Sector and Healthy Food

WEBINAR | 23th February

The Trends 2021 will be presented on February 23rd at 4 pm!

InovCluster, with the support of INSA and CATAA, will hold the webinar Trends 2021 - Agri-Food Sector and Healthy Food, to present the trends for the agri-food sector in 2021 - a work carried out between InovCluster and CATAA and also the trends for the healthy food sector - a work carried out by INSA.

This webinar will also present the various services and training actions that InovCluster and INSA will have available for free, throughout 2021, for companies in the healthy food sector.

Don't miss this webinar, see the attached programme and register at:

The Trends 2021 webinar is held in the framework of the AHFES Project, co-funded by the EU through the INTERREG ATLANTIC programme.

For more information you can contact through:

Inovcluster - Agroindustrial Cluster of the Centre

Tel.: +351 272 349 100

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