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The use of ingredients of marine origin, such as algae, plankton and phytoplankton, fish or crustaceans and other resources, is a rapidly growing trend in the agri-food industry. Whether it's to make products healthier, to replace the use of salt, to add marine flavours where you wouldn't expect them, or by conferring different properties, marine ingredients have enormous potential that is still very little explored. Portugal has a huge coastline and sea area, which puts us in a very privileged position when it comes to the potential for innovation in this area applicable to practically all sub-sectors of the agri-food industry.

InovCluster, CATAA and MARE - IPLeiria are committed to supporting innovation in this area through cooperation with partners from Ireland, France and Spain in the Hub4Food project, co-financed by the European Union through the ERDF and the Interreg Atlantic Programme.

This is why, within the scope of this Hub4Food project, we intend to directly support companies in the development of new products, especially, but not only, those that include ingredients of marine origin, in collaboration with the CATAA and MARE - IP Leiria Technology Centres.

In addition, the Hub4Food project will provide access to a catalogue of services to support the introduction of innovation, provided by InovCluster and the various agri-food sector clusters belonging to this consortium.

During this month, until 27 September, we are identifying companies interested in benefiting from the support of this project and are also carrying out a survey of their needs in terms of the development of new products and the incorporation of ingredients of marine origin, in order to better adapt our offer to their needs.

So if you are interested in:

  • Participating in the Hub4Food project
  • Developing new food products with the support of the Technology Centres
  • Introducing or exploiting the potential of marine ingredients
  • Benefit from the services provided by the Clusters
  • Share your needs with us

Don't miss this opportunity and answer this questionnaire:

We're happy to answer any questions you may have.

For more information, please visit:  

Or contact:
Inovcluster - Cluster Agroindustrial do Centro
Tel: +351 272 001 160